
GDL Object Library content are placeable elements for Archicad® projects. They typically comprise digital versions of real-world manufactured items such as windows, furniture and equipment, but are often also in the form of symbology and productivity tools. These items provide project teams with objects to not only enhance 3D imagery but also radically improve documentation processes.

Whether you have a project-specific need or wish to improve your productivity and consistency, we can provide object development for your business. Our broad experience, expertise and industry insight ensures our responses will not only meet your needs but be future-focused.

Whether you require a single parametric object, a complete library suite, or an object library audit and/or strategy, we aim to identify opportunities to extract maximum value for your business.


A well-curated GDL Object Library can deliver considerable value to a business. Firstly, company-specific libraries ensure consistency by providing objects that meet your brand and output requirements. Secondly, increases in productivity can be achieved by ensuring there is a minimal or controlled impact on model performance. And finally, by using 3D objects, you are always certain of the relationships of items, reducing your risk.